
'come down' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'come down' with 20 example sentences.

come down verb

: move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way

: be the essential element

: fall from clouds

: get sick

: criticize or reprimand harshly

  • A huge monster is coming down the mountain.
  • The price of meat will soon come down.
  • The price of rice has come down.
  • She came down to breakfast at eight.
  • Come down for a minute.
  • What goes up must come down.
  • He came down with a cold.
  • Come down from the tree.
  • I think you should come down here.
  • It all comes down to a question of time.
  • I'm afraid I'm coming down with a cold.
  • Come down, Dick. It is time for dinner.
  • I know why you came down here.
  • He will come down soon.
  • Did you know this was coming down?
  • She did not come down until 8:00.
  • I came down here to Florida for the weather.
  • Soon the cold rain came down.
  • It all comes down to a question of money.
  • He came down the road.
  • Words related to 'come down'

    Words near 'come down' in the dictionary